@inproceedings{GKDSPlta18, author = {Johannes Günther and Alex Kearney and Michael R. Dawson and Craig Sherstan and Patrick M. Pilarski}, title = {Predictions, Surprise, and Predictions of Surprise in General Value Function Architectures}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the AAAI Fall Symposium on Reasoning and Learning in Real-World Systems for Long-Term Autonomy}, pages = {22--29}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Effective life-long deployment of an autonomous agent in a complex environment demands that the agent has some model of itself and its environment. Such models are inherently predictive, allowing an agent to predict the consequences of its actions. In this paper, we demonstrate the use of General Value Functions (GVFs) for learning and representing such a predictive model on a robotic arm. Our model is composed of three types of signals: (1) predictions of sensorimotor signals, (2) measures of surprise using Unexpected Demon Error (UDE) and (3) predictions of surprise. In a proof-of-principle experiment, where the robot arm is manually perturbed in a recurring pattern, we show that each perturbation is detected as a jump in the surprise signal. We demonstrate that the recurrence of these perturbations not only can be learned, but can be anticipated. We propose that introspective signals like surprise and predictions of surprise might serve as a rich substrate for more abstract predictive models, improving an agent’s ability to continually and independently learn about itself and its environment to fulfill its goals.} }